I am not a personal finance expert, I'm just a person trying my best to dig myself out of this huge hole of debt I'm in.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!!!
With today being the end of the month we have done good and bad this month. We have some, not very much mind you, money left over. Work is still very slow and I'm not getting much of it, I have already told DH we will be cutting things off soon if it doesn't pick up fast, he agrees with me on this. I really should just start doing it now but honestly I'm lazy and don't want to yet. DR call me whiny I will agree with you right now.
I'm going to update my numbers and side bar as it's the end of the month..
Sunday, October 16, 2011
We spent pretty much all our entertainment money, but I'm glad we had a great time, doing Halloween stuff. We also went out to eat for lunch and had a good time. So needless to say we spent most of our entertainment and some of our dining out money in one day. We also rejoined the WIR boards as they are great support when you are trying to pay off your debt. Here is the link incase anyone wants to check them out. http://www.notmsnmoney.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=redracers&action=display&thread=11185
Sunday we have house stuff to do. No money spent so far.
I did make about $50 on my side job on Friday so I'm happy with that.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
I have some money available to put into savings and I'm still trying to fund the storm clouds fund and send money to debt, but again a big B U T I think I need to just put money in savings and keep paying minimums on debt right now in case I need to take time off work without pay, yes this is most likely due to my job but trying to prove it to them might be difficult as they like to be difficult most of the time.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Oh to be mad at DH!! He goes to get gas in car #1 and instead of using cash, because he would have to actually walk into the station to pay, he decides to use the debit card!! I guess I should be thankful he at least told me so I could transfer what little money we had in savings from savings to checking before the next payment for a bill comes out on Monday. I was most unhappy with him at that time. He did say well we got $.xx cents off because I went there I did tell him next time to either do inside or not go to that station we can always go there next time to fill up the cents off don't expire but they do continue to add up.
Since we only have $20 left in checking we are doing good at not spending, we have cash for groceries and gas in cars for work so we are good until payday which is Thursday. I have already arranged for bill payer to pay all our bills on Friday.
I have been very good about taking lunches to work and have pretty consistently been doing it 2 times per week, I'm hoping by not spending as much at work on expensive not to tasty food it will finally show up in my paychecks.
I also have more money in my HSA and hope to send more to the medical bill after this next paycheck.
Friday, October 7, 2011
We finally both will have full paychecks next week, I'd like to put more into savings as our EF is not up to $1,000 like DR wants it to be. Buuuut we also need quite a few things around our house I'm trying to determine the need vs want thing here :-) I guess what we will be doing is waiting until next week to actually see what our paychecks are before doing much of anything.
We are down to about $50 for the next week not counting the money I will be removing for our jars. I do find it amazing that when we have no money in our accounts we seem to do just fine but when we have money we spend like there is no tomorrow coming. I guess we will have to just make sure and not have any money left in our main checking account at all times.
So far we have spent:
$25.00 on food
$10.00 on restaurants
$5.50 on a book
Monday, October 3, 2011
What's coming up
Yesterday was a no spend, no drive day so that is out of the way for this week. I had things I could have done but decided to wait until today to do them since I wanted that day badly. I'll be grocery shopping and getting ready for them to return since there really isn't much to eat in our house right now.