Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 Goals

2011 GOALS :

1. Pay off CC#1 which has a balance of $4,830.49. I have signed up for 3 OT days in the hope that I'll get at least one of those days.

2. Pay off CC#2 which has a balance of $1,034.25. Again I've signed up for OT and this is the bill I'll be paying off first since the interest rate is very high.

3. Save $1,000 for a summer vacation, it will be a driving vacation and won't be too far away but I'd like extra money just in case.

4. Track all spending for the month of January, I'm going to try to do this the whole year but I'll start small and work my way up.

5. Buy a one way plane ticket (this is non-negotiable) and needs to be done by the end of January. This will cost approx $100 and needs to be done very soon.

6. Pay cash for dental work that needs to be done this year.This is ~$450 and will need done asap according to my dentist.

7. Lose 10lbs by taking lunch to work twice per week and exercising three times per week.

This seems like a small list but I'm hoping I can do everything on it by 12-31-2011

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